Sculptra (also known as poly-L-lactic acid or PLLA) is an injectable that stimulates the body’s natural collagen production. Results appear gradually over weeks after the initial treatment and can last up to 2 years.
The most popular areas to treat with Sculptra are the temples to restore facial volume loss and buttocks. Sculptra is a phenomenal, non-invasive alternative for butt enhancement with little downtime. It’s a great option for those that do not want liposuction or are not candidates. Recovery time is minimal in comparison to other surgical options and without the inconvenience of avoiding exercise or sitting. Most common side effects are bruising and swelling. This treatment achieves a natural fullness and contour. Typically, 5 to 10 vials per treatment is recommended.
As Sculptra results are achieved in a gradual manner and are buildable. Ideal candidates for Sculptra, will be willing to commit to several treatment sessions to achieve the desired outcome. Check out our full list of services here.